About The Company

We are Rubbish, we won’t toot our own trumpet but we’ll turn it into a spectacle for your own questionable entertainment. Humans throughout history, on a whole, have always created unwanted waste, looked past its possible beauty and failed to see beyond the face value. Everything has a face, a front door and once you open it… Endlessness. We aim to take you on this trip of endless possibilities that will change your perception of the world around you, the way you live, the way you perceive the past, present and future.

Stories you once heard, choices you once made, the reality you once knew – we question these and you may be left to seek the answers. Seek this fulfilment. You will come across what you see day by day but in a form that is unknown to you or I. Seek to know what it is.

Everything we create is made from unwanted items, recycled goods and some rubbish creativity. We take inspiration from the boundaries and rules laid out in front of you, flip them, keep flipping them and then present you with an outcome for you to ponder over and enjoy.

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